
The DESIGN Masterclass | Six Weeks
Volume 1

one time fee

Six Weeks of Self-Discovery and Transformation

The View from 741 Exclusive Podcast
Wake Up Your Frequency Emails*
Weekly Live Interactives
Daily Lesson
Course Workbook

*Received Monday through Friday at 5:00 am CST

One Iconic Life Membership | One Year
Volumes 1 through 6

one time fee

One Year of Self-Discovery and Transformation

The View from 741 Exclusive Podcast
Wake Up Your Frequency Emails*
Weekly Live Interactives
Daily Lesson
Course Workbook

*Received Monday through Friday at 5:00 am CST

One Iconic Life Membership | One Year, Paid Monthly
Volumes 1 through 6

paid monthly

One Year of Self-Discovery and Transformation

The View from 741 Exclusive Podcast
Wake Up Your Frequency Emails*
Weekly Live Interactives
Daily Lesson
Course Workbook

*Received Monday through Friday at 5:00 am CST

You have ICONIC CODE waiting – begging – to emerge. And when it does, your whole life will align to its greatness.

It’s within each of us: a deep reservoir of wisdom and aspirations. But for most, sunlight only dances across the surface, missing the brilliant magnitude of what lies beneath.

At some moment in life, perhaps this very moment, the light penetrates the very essence of your being and a burst of revelation sets off a sonic boom in the depths. But the egoic self attempts to swiftly and deftly dismiss it. “This isn’t for you. That isn’t your life. The method, the work, the way will be far too challenging and far too difficult for a person such as you. What would people think. What will they say. What will they do?” And with that, the illumination fades into a distant glimmer.

Goals, dreams, aspirations, desires. They are within each and every one of us, and yet the lies you tell yourself cloud your judgement, making them seem out of reach. Unattainable.

The result, in this state of obsequious separateness, is frustration, envy, jealousy, resentment, and a feeling of being “less than.”

It’s time to rise, break the surface and bask in the light of your birthright life.

It’s time to realize your most grand ideals and visions as your reality. It’s time to live the life of your dreams.

And in doing so, you will undoubtedly disrupt the atmosphere, start a movement, and experience the livingness of life like no other has known.

This, is Personal Mastery.

it’s time to live iconic

The SELF MASTERCLASSES are infinite opportunities for transformation and refinement.
Based on classic teachings, each six week masterclass includes the following core components:
“wake up your frequency” emails*, The View from 741, exclusive podcast series (NEW for 2025), weekly live interactives, a daily lesson, and a course workbook.

*Received Monday through Friday at 5:00 am CST for six weeks.

SELF MASTERCLASSES Launching in 2025

  • 1.13.25

    THE ART OF GOAL SETTING | This Masterclass invites you on a journey of self-discovery.
    Where you'll transcend limiting framework.
    Dismantle paradigms – often rooted in external validation and the fear of falling short.

    We'll embrace a mindset of beauty.
    By a radiant inner compass that guides you towards a life of effortless abundance and fulfillment.

  • THE ART OF IMAGERY | Your self-image - the lens through which you view yourself and, consequently, the world views you.

    It is the art of self-presentation.
    The embodiment of your chosen self.

    It is the conscious act of deciding who you are.
    Who you aspire to be.
    How you will conduct yourself.

    Self-image is the very essence of your being; it is, undeniably, everything.

    How you perceive yourself influences how others perceive you.
    How you respect yourself sets the standard for the respect you receive from others.

    Each action you take establishes a precedent.

    You go first, the Universe responds.

  • THE ART OF MASTERY | The conversations, the vision, the standards, the essence, the harmony…must all be elevated.

    When brought to a higher level of awareness, a higher vibration, the vision suddenly expands to such a degree and at such a rapid pace it will feel as if a surge has erupted within you and it is there that you will discover the clarity that has been waiting, not hiding or being suppressed as you had once assumed it to be. Simply just…waiting.

    Waiting to be brought to light.

    Desiring to be woken from its slumber.

    Ready…to be directed into proper appropriation.

    A greater, and fuller expansion into the vast space of Truth.

    And it is there where you will discover mastery over self. And it feels like… freedom.

    Elevate the conversation.

    The influence.

    The standards.

    The absolute everything.

  • THE ART OF AWARENESS | Everything exists to just be, with its predetermined purpose or function as it moves to fill the spaces of existence. Having been formed from the energy it first gathered around, the core, the center, the nucleus that shaped the once seemingly lifeless matter inmto the now grand masterpiece.

    A predetermined purpose, or function neither of which served to disrupt you. But yet, somehow, did it? Or did the same matter that disrupted you, serve the pathway of success for yet another?

    It’s your perception of a thing that allowed the disruption. If you allowed it.

    Or the beauty, if you so chose to allow that to fill the space created.

    Everything simply just, “IS.”

    Nothing presented to you is negative, or positive.

    It is our perception of a thing that gives it the value we place on it.

    Everything just “is.”

    What a powerful way to walk this journey of life, allowing not a single thing to disrupt your vision, your dreams, or your purpose. Complete control to move anything presented to a side of faith that serves only to keep you aligned with the highest visions you hold.

    Complete, and total awareness of the power you have, to wield life’s mysteries in any direction you choose.


    And yet, regardless of present appearance, it remains only and always serving to aid you in achieving the goals you have declared.

    This is control over thought.

    Over mind.

    Over self.

    This, is complete and total awareness. What an absolute beautiful power to realize.

    It’s within you.

  • THE ART OF TRUTH | "The whole of creation exists in you and it is your destiny to become increasingly aware of its infinite wonders and to experience ever greater and grander portions of it." What are the five core concepts you hold of yourself presently that you realize you need to change?

    What are the core concepts you desire to have as you envision a grander version of yourself ?

    “The danger is in not sufficiently realizing our own richness."

    Let’s uncover the Truth.

    YOUR truth.

  • THE ART OF EXCELLENCE | Is excellence attainable?
    Without question.

    Within the tapestry of our lives, we discover key areas ripe for growth and personal mastery.
    Requiring unwavering dedication to refinement as we ascend toward our most expansive visions.

    Conceptualize the ideal.
    Design the life.
    Attain a state of effortless flow.